pil-oga-robic | OCT. NEWS!

October deals have been posted on our pricing page.  Bring a friend (both sign up for the 3x a week package) and you will get $50 off the October price!!!

We are thrilled to announce that we have an official location for our indoor schedule!  We will be working out at the friendly house (nw 26th and Thurman).  It is a non-profit, and we are extra excited that the money we pay them to rent the rooms goes right back into the community, helping children and seniors!!!

Starting October 5th we will be moving our morning time to 10am.  If you are interested in another time than we have offered, please e-mail us, and if we have the demand we will have the class!
We are proud to announce that we are official sponsors of the Team Green Submarine bike club!  We have been very interested in supporting competitive athletes with cross training, and now we finally have our chance! 

Too often, core strength and flexibility are easily neglected in sports training for for strength, endurance, or technique building.  We hope that we can be the supplement to help balance out all of those hard training athletes out there. 


health and wellness | AROMATHERAPY

Welcome to the first week of September Pil-oga-robic!  This week we're talking about aromatherapy.  You will get to experience its calming effects first hand when we rub it into your temples during savasana.  Have you ever noticed how a scent can calm you down, wake you up or take you back in time?  We will focus on three amazing aromatherapies: lavendar, eucalyptus and peppermint.  Be sure to check out our wellness suggestions so that you can incorporate a little aromatherapy peace in to your day-to-day life. 

pil-oga-robic | MIND
Chill out 
- Eucalyptus oil is stimulating and revives the spirt.  It alleviates exhaustion, stress, and mental sluggishness.
- Lavender oil has a calming scent which makes it an excellent tonic for the nerves and helps in treating anxiety, depression and emotional stress.
- Peppermint oil eliminates apathy and stress.  It provides relief from depression, anxiety and mental exhaustion. 

pil-oga-robic | BODY You would be amazed at what these oils can do for your health...
- Eucalyptus oil is used in many over the counter drugs and treats congestion and upper respiratory infections. It enhances deep breathing and is good for muscle aches and pain.  Eucalyptus is also good for - surprisingly - diabetics as it helps to control blood sugar. 
- Lavender oil is good for pain relief, relaxation, burns, skin infections,hormonal imbalances, rheumatism, headaches, digestion and insomnia. 
- Peppermint oil can be used to treat asthma, colic, headaches, colds, cramps, indigestion, nausea, fever, stomach and bowel spasms and pain.

pil-oga-robic | WELLNESS  Incorporate aromatherapy into your every day life and pamper yourself and the planet! 
- Feeling stressed?  Carry a vile of aromatherapy oil with you and sniff away when you get bugged.
- Take a bath with a few droplets of aromatherapy oil and melt the day away.  WE LOVE THIS OPTION!
- Mothballs: The common mothball is made of paradichlorobenzene, which is harmful to liver and kidneys.  Tie a bit of lavender in a cheese cloth instead. 
- Lavender Water: Combine 1 cup lavender flowers and 1/4 cup ethyl alcohol at room temperature.  Steep for 6 days in a screw-top jar, shaking vigorously each day.  Strain and Decant into a dark glass bottle.  This is a wonderful toner! 
- Sea Salt Body Scrub: 1/2 oz. Beeswax, 8 oz. Sweet almond oil, 3-1/2 lb. Finely ground sea salts, 1 Tbs. Each lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils.  Melt the beeswax in the sweet almond oil, then allow it to cool.  If starting with coarse sea salt, grind it to the consistency of table salt. (Any finer and it won't scrub well!) Then add the cooled beeswax/oil mixture and the essential oils.  Your skin will feel like a million bucks! 
- Eucalyptus Foot Lotion: 1 tablespoon almond oil, 1 teaspoon avocado oil, 1 teaspoon wheat-germ oil, 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil.  Put all of the ingredients in a small, sterilized glass bottle with a tight- fitting stopper. Shake the liquid vigorously until it is completely combined. Store the bottle in a cool, dark place. Shake well before using.

All of our best,
Ishbel + Hannah

pil-oga-robic | SEPTEMBER NEWS!!!

Hello Everyone,

Can you beilieve that August is almost over?!  Even though the summer just flew by, we are looking forward for our fall classes to get started under canopies of beautiful changing leaves.  Her are a few updates and anouncements!

-September deals and prices are now posted.
-We will NOT have a recovery week between August classes and September classes.  Next months classes will go from September 7th- October 2nd.
-We are putting in an order for a thicker 3/8 Pilates mat,  September 7th.  If you are interested in this great deal please contact us before then.  The mats will be $29.99 including shipping.  If we get an order of 10 you will recieve an extra 10% off!!!
-Indoor classes will go from November through early spring.  A lot will depend on what the Oregon winter/ spring choose to do this year.
-If you are interested in our 7:00-8:00 am class spot for fall please let us know!!!

If you have any other questions, concerns, requests or interests we would love to hear from you!

Much peace and happiness,
Hannah + Ishbel

health and wellness | GLUTEN INTOLERANCE

Welcome to Week 3 Pil-ogies.  You guys are doing so great, and you should congratulate yourselves for your hard work! 

This week we're talking about gluten intolerance, or celiac disease.  Some of you may already know that I have celiac disease.  I was diagnosed last year and have followed a somewhat gluten-free diet ever since.  However, after doing a little more research for this email - I am staying away from it completely!!!!  I had no idea how destructive it can be for those who are intolerant of it. I have noticed a huge shift in my digestion, energy, mood and weight since I stopped eating gluten.  As you'll soon read, gluten intolerance is inherited and a few women in my family have it as well.  Both Hannah and I hope that this will help you and your families identify gluten intolerance and navigate the gluten-free world.

pil-oga-robic | MIND

- Gluten intolerance, or celiac disease, is an inherited autoimmune disease which causes severe inflammation of the small intestines.  Apparently saying you are "allergic to gluten" is incorrect because it is not an allergy but an autoimmune disease. 
- Gluten is found in wheat, barely, rye and possibly oats. - About 1 in 133 Americans have the condition.
For unknown reasons, the disease sometimes emerges after some sort of trauma is experienced, such as an infection, an injury, pregnancy, surgery or intense emotional strain or stress. 
- Gluten can be found in just about everything from pasta to salad dressing to alcohol and cheese.  Even some seasonings like cinnamon can have gluten in them.  Check your labels! 

pil-oga-robic | BODY
- Gluten intolerance is linked to many different health problems: malnutrition, cancer, osteoperosis, infertility, thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, ulcers.  If you have one of the before-mentioned conditions, be sure your doctor has tested you for gluten intolerance because it may be making a bad situation even worse!
-An individual may accidentally eat gluten after beginning a gluten-free diet without noticing any symptoms. However, this does not mean that no harm has been done. Any gluten ingested by a gluten-intolerant person will damage the small intestine. It is very dangerous to practice an on-and-off gluten diet. Strict adherence to a gluten-free diet is essential. 
- Common symptoms include: abnormal bloating and pain, diarrhea, constipation, anemia, bone pain/weakness/osteoporosis, fluid retention, mouth sores, weight gain or loss, missed menstrual periods, infertility/miscarriages, behavioral changes, exhaustion, mental lethargy
- Ask your doctor for a blood or saliva test to check for gluten intolerance.  

pil-oga-robic | WELLNESS                
 You won't starve to death if you're allergic to gluten! 
- Foods such as meats, fish, poultry, (most) dairy products, unprocessed fruits and vegetables, beans, rice and potatoes are all safe.
- Gluten-free flours, such as those made from rice, soy, corn or potato, are available as alternatives and are great for baking.
- Foods made from cornmeal are safe.
- Gluten-free cookies, cereals, breads and pastas.
  (New Seasons has an entire isle of gluten free stuff!) 
- Check out other blog posts for some delicious gluten free recipes - you'll be amazed at how easy it can be!

BOOKS | For more information check out these reads!!!
-Living with Celiac Disease, by Sue Hassett
-Gluten- Free Quick & Easy: From Prep to Plate Without the Fuss- 200+ Recipes,
by Carol Fenster