
health and wellness | GLUTEN INTOLERANCE

Welcome to Week 3 Pil-ogies.  You guys are doing so great, and you should congratulate yourselves for your hard work! 

This week we're talking about gluten intolerance, or celiac disease.  Some of you may already know that I have celiac disease.  I was diagnosed last year and have followed a somewhat gluten-free diet ever since.  However, after doing a little more research for this email - I am staying away from it completely!!!!  I had no idea how destructive it can be for those who are intolerant of it. I have noticed a huge shift in my digestion, energy, mood and weight since I stopped eating gluten.  As you'll soon read, gluten intolerance is inherited and a few women in my family have it as well.  Both Hannah and I hope that this will help you and your families identify gluten intolerance and navigate the gluten-free world.

pil-oga-robic | MIND

- Gluten intolerance, or celiac disease, is an inherited autoimmune disease which causes severe inflammation of the small intestines.  Apparently saying you are "allergic to gluten" is incorrect because it is not an allergy but an autoimmune disease. 
- Gluten is found in wheat, barely, rye and possibly oats. - About 1 in 133 Americans have the condition.
For unknown reasons, the disease sometimes emerges after some sort of trauma is experienced, such as an infection, an injury, pregnancy, surgery or intense emotional strain or stress. 
- Gluten can be found in just about everything from pasta to salad dressing to alcohol and cheese.  Even some seasonings like cinnamon can have gluten in them.  Check your labels! 

pil-oga-robic | BODY
- Gluten intolerance is linked to many different health problems: malnutrition, cancer, osteoperosis, infertility, thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, ulcers.  If you have one of the before-mentioned conditions, be sure your doctor has tested you for gluten intolerance because it may be making a bad situation even worse!
-An individual may accidentally eat gluten after beginning a gluten-free diet without noticing any symptoms. However, this does not mean that no harm has been done. Any gluten ingested by a gluten-intolerant person will damage the small intestine. It is very dangerous to practice an on-and-off gluten diet. Strict adherence to a gluten-free diet is essential. 
- Common symptoms include: abnormal bloating and pain, diarrhea, constipation, anemia, bone pain/weakness/osteoporosis, fluid retention, mouth sores, weight gain or loss, missed menstrual periods, infertility/miscarriages, behavioral changes, exhaustion, mental lethargy
- Ask your doctor for a blood or saliva test to check for gluten intolerance.  

pil-oga-robic | WELLNESS                
 You won't starve to death if you're allergic to gluten! 
- Foods such as meats, fish, poultry, (most) dairy products, unprocessed fruits and vegetables, beans, rice and potatoes are all safe.
- Gluten-free flours, such as those made from rice, soy, corn or potato, are available as alternatives and are great for baking.
- Foods made from cornmeal are safe.
- Gluten-free cookies, cereals, breads and pastas.
  (New Seasons has an entire isle of gluten free stuff!) 
- Check out other blog posts for some delicious gluten free recipes - you'll be amazed at how easy it can be!

BOOKS | For more information check out these reads!!!
-Living with Celiac Disease, by Sue Hassett
-Gluten- Free Quick & Easy: From Prep to Plate Without the Fuss- 200+ Recipes,
by Carol Fenster

12/16/2010 01:25:35 am

Osteoporosis is a common problem among older people, this is an evil that can be prevented by consuming calcium daily rations in the future so avoid this evil!

12/20/2010 04:47:21 am

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12/20/2010 04:48:58 am

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