pil-oga-robic | SEPTEMBER NEWS!!!

Hello Everyone,

Can you beilieve that August is almost over?!  Even though the summer just flew by, we are looking forward for our fall classes to get started under canopies of beautiful changing leaves.  Her are a few updates and anouncements!

-September deals and prices are now posted.
-We will NOT have a recovery week between August classes and September classes.  Next months classes will go from September 7th- October 2nd.
-We are putting in an order for a thicker 3/8 Pilates mat,  September 7th.  If you are interested in this great deal please contact us before then.  The mats will be $29.99 including shipping.  If we get an order of 10 you will recieve an extra 10% off!!!
-Indoor classes will go from November through early spring.  A lot will depend on what the Oregon winter/ spring choose to do this year.
-If you are interested in our 7:00-8:00 am class spot for fall please let us know!!!

If you have any other questions, concerns, requests or interests we would love to hear from you!

Much peace and happiness,
Hannah + Ishbel

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